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    A glimmer of hope !
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    AOC - the perfect foil

    Humor always requires a grain of truth for it to be funny !
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    What happened to this board?

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    I was so bored I called Jake at State Farm just to talk to someone. He asked me what I was wearing... 2019: Stay away from negative people. 2020: Stay away from positive people. The world has turned upside down. Old folks are sneaking out of the house, and their kids are yelling at them to stay...
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    Remember all the "Russia! Russia! Russia! " and Trump years of investigation?

    But will the involved folks be punished for their efforts??? Gee, I wonder what the former posters (BiO, Buckie, BN, and others) might say today! CRICKETS !
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    The ETERNAL health care dilemma highlighted by the current crisis

    With all of us, it is personal. With the bureaucracy, it is statistical. Agree?
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    John Maynard Keynes - his Big Government approaches being pursued by many

    Some honest background history and why his approaches have taken hold here in the USA -- mostly since the FDR era - The 'Smarter than Normal-ites' of government careerists and advisors unite...
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    Mass Graves Being Dug in New York - COVID 19 Victims

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    Inadvertent 'Save the Planet' move by 'shut down' ??

    Can we hear better now so we can listen to Mother Earth...
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    Is this 'cover' for China or just a detail of note?
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    Solutions-- but not the final ones

    The SAFE SPACE alternative:
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    Plan ahead for Mother's Day

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    Another 'hard' plan

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    Et tu, Cleveland Plain Dealer ??
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    A turning point ??
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    Humor requires a kernel of truth
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    No praise of this 'whistle blower' by many SPDEMS, MSM or the Professional Political Class members

    Linda Tripp has gone to her eternal rewards.
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    Some C-19 COMMON SENSE offered !? "Yet the elites, from Bill Gates down, tell us we need a nationwide shutdown for 10 weeks or more. Others are pushing in that direction, too, putting pressure on various state and federal officials...
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    The geography of $ocial Di$tancing -- It's complicated.

    "This blog emanates from the North West of England in Merseyside. Its purpose is to explore economic and geopolitical trends by presenting evidenced based research and analysis." "As a concept, we are told that ‘social distancing‘ is designed purely to try and protect people from contracting...