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    Subject:C-19 -- Questions for after 'What if..." to consider

    Some valuable/Interesting information to consider...
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    Understanding the news:

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    More "Good news" about the 'RISKY DRUG'

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  4. O CNN !
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    More "Good news" about the 'RISKY DRUG' I wonder if he is using it
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    WaPo FEARS this might be very beneficial !

    To anyone reading this, take lots of 'interpretation salts' since these composers of 'news' are true charter members of the ANTI-TRUMP CROWD...
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    NOT shocking !
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    With American deaths from covid-19 now over 11,000

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    $piritual Boomeri$m !

    Take a few minutes peruse this disappointed man's critique of the Globalists ! I'm guessing some of you will agree with him and some will not. "You love your power and pelf*. You believe you are the wise, all-seeing parents, guiding their wayward children to a better world, your Utopia ...
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    Et tu, Africa !?

    How much damage will the Chinese Virus inflict on the world. Maybe the MSM will tell us the complete story -- FROM the beginning -- one day (After the US elections?) !
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    More 'Brilliance'
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    A few thoughts for the day

    This is the longest something Made in China has ever lasted ! Does anyone know how long TP will last if you freeze it ? Home invasions should probably decrease. Everyone is home with guns and enough bleach and paper towels to clean up the crime scene. Talked with my neighbor yesterday who...
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    Justice Sotomayor proves she is 'out there' again
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    SPDEMS are trying too hard to prove their hatred of PRESIDENT TRUMP
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    Pot meets the Kettle - CRASH!
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    A recovery 'plan' !?
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    I'm sorry for being...a professional politician - OLD Joe "Bite Me" Biden !?
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    Monday morning on-line history lesson for all

    Listen to / watch the video first. It’s not long but it might make you cry for Argentina and for the U.S. You will be able to view a message about what happened to Argentina that Congressman Barry M. Goldwater Jr, the Co-Founder and Board of Directors member of the Combat Veterans For Congress...
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    Medical TP?

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