My position for a few years now has been this, there is not enough common ground between the left and right politically or culturally anymore to allow for effective governance. There are issues that do not have a comfortable middle ground and thus require us to pick one side or the other. I have advocated for a peaceful separation into culturally and politically coherent entities that can form partnerships economically and militarily while still allowing for each to create a governmental structure that embodies the ideals of its citizens. For holding this position I've been mocked, shamed, called vile names and had many unsavory encounters here online. My position allows for the most amount of liberty for each group of citizens, it is anti-Authoritarian and in fact is a return to the more idealized governance that the Framers of the Constitution had in mind. Now, what is your reasoning for wanting to allow this cultural conflict to come to it's ultimate conclusion of authoritarianism and the subjugation of one group at the hands of the other?