Biased FBI agents are currently investigating the Clinton Foundation, predicated on unfounded opposition research.
From the IG Report:
Wow, this was all predicated on opposition research called “Clinton Cash,” a debunked dossier.
I’d imagine heads will roll from conservatives new found interest in this type of stuff.
From the IG Report:
We reviewed the text and instant messages sent and received by the Handling Agent, the co-case Handling Agent, and the SSA for this CHS, which reflect their support for Trump in the 2016 elections. On November 9, the day after the election, the SSA contacted another FBI employee via an instant messaging program to discuss some recent CHS reporting regarding the Clinton Foundation and offered that “if you hear talk of a special prosecutor .. .I will volunteer to work [on] the Clinton Foundation.” The SSA’s November 9, 2016 instant messages also stated that he “was so elated with the election” and compared the election coverage to “watching a Superbowl comeback.” The SSA explained this comment to the OIG by saying that he “fully expected Hillary Clinton to walk away with the election. But as the returns [came] in … it was just energizing to me to see …. [because] I didn’t want a criminal to be in the White House.”
On November 9, 2016, the Handling Agent and co-case Handling Agent for this CHS also discussed the results of the election in an instant message exchange that reads:
Handling Agent: “Trump!” Co-Case
Handling Agent: “Hahaha. Shit just got real.”
Handling Agent: “Yes it did.” Co-Case Handling Agent: “I saw a lot of scared MFers on … [my way to work] this morning. Start looking for new jobs fellas. Haha.”
Handling Agent: “LOL” [my emphasis]
Wow, this was all predicated on opposition research called “Clinton Cash,” a debunked dossier.
I’d imagine heads will roll from conservatives new found interest in this type of stuff.