Then the very next day or so, I saw a study that might explain your flirtation with femininity.
Apparently too much internet surfing coupled with internet porn emasculates men.
Here's a tidbit that based on your postings definitely applies to you:
He added that young men are drinking Coke instead of alcohol and becoming "fat-asses." The chances of type-2 diabetes are increased, he said, which tends to decrease libido.
Kids might find online porn exciting psychologically, but physiologically they are actually becoming less excited. They suffer, he said, from PIED. Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction. (Please, no Pied Piper jokes. Thank you.)
And here is the full link to the report on the study on the condition you suffer from...
Then the very next day or so, I saw a study that might explain your flirtation with femininity.
Apparently too much internet surfing coupled with internet porn emasculates men.
Here's a tidbit that based on your postings definitely applies to you:
He added that young men are drinking Coke instead of alcohol and becoming "fat-asses." The chances of type-2 diabetes are increased, he said, which tends to decrease libido.
Kids might find online porn exciting psychologically, but physiologically they are actually becoming less excited. They suffer, he said, from PIED. Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction. (Please, no Pied Piper jokes. Thank you.)
And here is the full link to the report on the study on the condition you suffer from...