Members, sure appreciate your numerous responses to this weeks earlier question. As I've noted, most believe that for us to successfully defend, we'll have to have someone "clone" Michael Bennett's late season play. The next question I pose is. What (3) teams stand in our way (B1G ; Semi and Final NC opponents)? To assist in your choices, I've included the projected AP Top 10 (Forgive the non bullet delivery, I'm still ignorant of how to do it). 1.) TOSU 2.)TCU 3.) Alabama 4.) Baylor 5.) Oregon 6.) Michigan St. 7.) USC 8.) FSU 9.) Auburn 10.) Georgia. My choices are TTUN ( They will be sky high and the QB should have JH's Pro style offense down-pat by then. It will be cold and wet in the Big House). Baylor and USC. TCU has a suspect defense IMO and will lose the last game in their season to Baylor, USC IMO is who will rival us for years to come due to these fantastic classes they are accumulating (4 & 5 [5*] recruits each class. While Bama and the SEC continue to cannibalize each other. Of course there are no wrong answers, so have at it.