This helps explain why the Professional Political Class is an "endangered species". They seek absolute power and fabulous wealth at the expense of those they claim to help! And they wonder why BSanders and DJTrump caught the imagination of the voters in 2016? And why D&CH< is still promoting her version of 'what happened' !!
The message of the "Shinning City on the Hill" is very different from the "Gilded City on the Hill" ! For those of us who have children and/or grandchildren, which message do we convey to them ??
This helps explain why the Professional Political Class is an "endangered species". They seek absolute power and fabulous wealth at the expense of those they claim to help! And they wonder why BSanders and DJTrump caught the imagination of the voters in 2016? And why D&CH< is still promoting her version of 'what happened' !!
The message of the "Shinning City on the Hill" is very different from the "Gilded City on the Hill" ! For those of us who have children and/or grandchildren, which message do we convey to them ??