The perfect urban outing "high lighter" food (condiment) for this week ?! Hot Stuff for the "hangry" urban "Loot-testers" across the nation !
A few of us might remember Huey Newton from back in the day !?
I suspect what we are witnessing is very likely the destructive efforts of the mostly "white privileged elites" AntiFa crowd coordinating via social media. Agitate! Enrage the assembled legitimate protesting masses! Toss the first 'flames' ! Then walk away smiling under those full-face covering masks! ( )
A few of us might remember Huey Newton from back in the day !?
I suspect what we are witnessing is very likely the destructive efforts of the mostly "white privileged elites" AntiFa crowd coordinating via social media. Agitate! Enrage the assembled legitimate protesting masses! Toss the first 'flames' ! Then walk away smiling under those full-face covering masks! ( )