Right now Obama looks like an absolute comical clown to the entire world. Like a sheer geek. A big eared slap jawed LOSER punk face. To counter the sheer damage to globalist agenda and the world seeing prima facia what government did to the French people by disarming the civilian population, how long before Obama administration in a panic stages another US OPERATION GLADIO MKULTRA shooting in America to blame Ron Paul supporters. Notice how they always equate Ron Paul to the "FAR RIGHT" as well. Number 1, Ron Paul would be categorized as someone dead center in the middle. As a Libertarian he is about as far away from far right as China is from the USA on the political scale. That is a fraud in itself calling him or anyone like him "far right". Which is why the liberals posing as republican who are on the far right VOTE EXACTLY as those on the FAR LEFT and who both subsequently do nothing but hate and attack Ron Paul. Because he is OPPOSITE THEY.
So I raise this question. How long before Obama authorizes a similar attack in America. They have already planned this many years ago. Those superior to him that he serves like the globalist he is.
Because right about now Obama is a fool faced loser before the entire world. And he immediately in a panic today tried to communize this tragedy with America, when this tragedy was caused by weakening the French people to defend such an attack through disarming the enslaved population and opening the bank vault.
So I raise this question. How long before Obama authorizes a similar attack in America. They have already planned this many years ago. Those superior to him that he serves like the globalist he is.
Because right about now Obama is a fool faced loser before the entire world. And he immediately in a panic today tried to communize this tragedy with America, when this tragedy was caused by weakening the French people to defend such an attack through disarming the enslaved population and opening the bank vault.