Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, a strong advocate for reforms to the nation's criminal justice system after serving time in prison, said Saturday that reforms need to be one of the "top five domestic issues on the next president's plate."
"We cannot sustain it at the way it is," Kerik said during a "Washington Journal" segment on C-Span Saturday. "We cannot sustain this economically...we are creating a second-class citizen in this country and it's destroying the country."
Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, a strong advocate for reforms to the nation's criminal justice system after serving time in prison, said Saturday that reforms need to be one of the "top five domestic issues on the next president's plate."
"We cannot sustain it at the way it is," Kerik said during a "Washington Journal" segment on C-Span Saturday. "We cannot sustain this economically...we are creating a second-class citizen in this country and it's destroying the country."