My initial thoughts are a little scattered, much like the movie was.
- Other than the weird kiss at the end, all of the Rey/Kylo stuff was very good.
- Palpatine being back was handled better than I expected, though it was disappointing we didn't find out how he's survived this long.
- I enjoyed hearing some of the Jedi's voices near the end. Ahsoka Tano was especially exciting for anyone who's seen the animated Clone Wars series.
- Finn and Poe certainly felt like they had more of a purpose than in any of the other sequel movies.
- Title of the movie is "Rise of Skywalker" yet the movie ends with the death of the Skywalker bloodline and a Palpatine takes the name of Skywalker.
- So this mysterious healing power that led to the creation of Darth Vader can suddenly be used willy-nilly by anybody?
- It feels like this movie (similar to how TLJ did to TFA) invalidates The Last Jedi. I didn't particularly care for The Last Jedi, but at least stick with the plot points it laid out for the finale.
- Any of the new characters they introduced (the two women, the weird alien) were all terrible.