Hillary of course claims she only erased personal e mails and turned everything else over to the FBI. Of course we now know she lied multiple times about what she actually did.
There's always been a concern among those with half a brain that our Hillary might have also erased e mails that would have further damaged her less than sparkling reputation. Politico examined what e mails she did release and over lapped it with other State Department e mails and found that typically her e mails increased and decreased when other State e mails did also.
Politico also found that wasn't always the case. Now let those of us who can think (sorry buckie), consider when an advantageous time would be for Hillary,if she was up to her crooked ways, to erase incriminating e mails...
One would think, that if Hillary were taking money for treasonously selling uranium to the Russians that she would have erased evidence...right cainer?...well the evidence shows that even though State Department e mails picked up considerably during the time of this questionable decision, our Hillary only had one e mail at all referencing the ruskies...As Politico puts it in its own words:
there is an instancewhere the State Department cable traffic rises and there are few if any Clinton corresponding emails. It’s the case of Rosatom, the Russian State Nuclear Agency: Clinton and senior officials at the State Department received dozens of cables on the subject of Rosatom’s activities around the world, including a hair-raising cable about Russian efforts to dominate the uranium market. As secretary of state, Clinton was a central player in a variety of diplomaticinitiatives involving Rosatom officials. But strangely, there is only one email that mentions Rosatom in Clinton’s entire collection, an innocuous email about Rosatom’s activities in Ecuador. To put that into perspective, there are more mentions of LeBron James, yoga and NBC’s Saturday Night Live than the Russian Nuclear Agency in Clinton’s emails deemed “official.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/st...server-investigation-fbi-214016#ixzz4Dkg4DnOO
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There's always been a concern among those with half a brain that our Hillary might have also erased e mails that would have further damaged her less than sparkling reputation. Politico examined what e mails she did release and over lapped it with other State Department e mails and found that typically her e mails increased and decreased when other State e mails did also.
Politico also found that wasn't always the case. Now let those of us who can think (sorry buckie), consider when an advantageous time would be for Hillary,if she was up to her crooked ways, to erase incriminating e mails...
One would think, that if Hillary were taking money for treasonously selling uranium to the Russians that she would have erased evidence...right cainer?...well the evidence shows that even though State Department e mails picked up considerably during the time of this questionable decision, our Hillary only had one e mail at all referencing the ruskies...As Politico puts it in its own words:
there is an instancewhere the State Department cable traffic rises and there are few if any Clinton corresponding emails. It’s the case of Rosatom, the Russian State Nuclear Agency: Clinton and senior officials at the State Department received dozens of cables on the subject of Rosatom’s activities around the world, including a hair-raising cable about Russian efforts to dominate the uranium market. As secretary of state, Clinton was a central player in a variety of diplomaticinitiatives involving Rosatom officials. But strangely, there is only one email that mentions Rosatom in Clinton’s entire collection, an innocuous email about Rosatom’s activities in Ecuador. To put that into perspective, there are more mentions of LeBron James, yoga and NBC’s Saturday Night Live than the Russian Nuclear Agency in Clinton’s emails deemed “official.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/st...server-investigation-fbi-214016#ixzz4Dkg4DnOO
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