cobrabuck All-conference Gold Member Nov 30, 2011 5,037 1,626 224 Sep 8, 2015 #1 You mentioned previously that Thomas had a chance to earn a lot of money going against Fuller. Did he show enough other than the TD catch or is that that enough?
You mentioned previously that Thomas had a chance to earn a lot of money going against Fuller. Did he show enough other than the TD catch or is that that enough?
F Funkybuck1 "First" Gold Member Aug 11, 2015 288 240 123 Dallas, TX Sep 8, 2015 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
RyanDonnelly Recruiting Analyst Apr 13, 2014 11,222 8,080 179 30 Somewhere in North Campus Sep 8, 2015 #3 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.