How does everyone feel about these regs and practices from Canada (taken from an article regarding a Canadian school shooting) .......
- registration of handguns with records identifying the owner, the owner's address and the firearm ... OK
- mandatory licensing to own a firearm ... OK
- mandatory "universal" background checks to purchase any firearm ... HELL YES
- mandatory safety course to purchase any firearm ... OK
- mandatory minimum waiting period of 28 days to purchase any firearm ... Lengthy, but OK
- mandatory safe storage of firearms and ammunition ... HELL YES
- controls on the selling of ammunition ... No
- a ban on so-called "assault" weapons ... What exactly is an "assault" weapon?? Fully auto? Semi AR's are fine. Not supportive of fully auto on the streets.
- a ban on standard-capacity magazines for automatic firearms (ten rounds) and semi-automatic firearms (five rounds) ... No interest in limiting magazine capacity, for semi-auto
- a ban on replica firearms ... Not sure what this means? Realistic toys? Working reproduction of historical weapons?
- a ban on noise suppressors ... OK, but exceptions with special licensing
- a ban on handguns with barrels shorter than 4.1 inches ... Nfw, it contradicts CCW rights
- a ban on possession of firearms for those under 18 years of age (you know, like the La Loche killer) ... OK with ownership restrictions under 18, but what about hunting?! Possession is an odd word here?!