what evers post another 'fact-filled' twisted anti-Rush Limbaugh column about his DOMINANT RADIO PROGRAM'S "demise" for the consumption of the RADICAL LEFTIST hater crowd to consume.
RUSH will be their tormentor for as long as he wants to do what he does and gets paid to do it. Too bad the the RADICAL LEFTISTS cannot find even one minor rival to him in all of their weird views. AND how hard they have tried and failed for DECADES. I recall some programing called Air America featuring a long list of failures some of whom have taken their limited-but-failing message to ms/nbc/DNC.
RUSH will be their tormentor for as long as he wants to do what he does and gets paid to do it. Too bad the the RADICAL LEFTISTS cannot find even one minor rival to him in all of their weird views. AND how hard they have tried and failed for DECADES. I recall some programing called Air America featuring a long list of failures some of whom have taken their limited-but-failing message to ms/nbc/DNC.