That seemed to be the battle cry of the confederacy of yesteryear and now today's confederate flag supporters, plus those who just hate big gubmint.
Could someone from that wing please tell me specifically which rights states should have as opposed to those the federal gubmint imposes, (or oppresses?), upon the states? I'm just trying to get an idea what's really eatin' you all. Also, should we be united as one big powerful nation or should we just be 50 semi-close friends who like to hang out together sometimes, especially when the goin' gets tough?
Could someone from that wing please tell me specifically which rights states should have as opposed to those the federal gubmint imposes, (or oppresses?), upon the states? I'm just trying to get an idea what's really eatin' you all. Also, should we be united as one big powerful nation or should we just be 50 semi-close friends who like to hang out together sometimes, especially when the goin' gets tough?