Poor ol Bill Cosby is getting so much heat? Did not the other Bill(Bill Clinton) do the exact same thing Of course Bill Clinton is a white Democrat leader and he is now idolized by the Democrat Party and is highly respected in the Democrat circles. Bill Clinton has made made millions giving speeches and endorsements. Bill (the black) Cosby is being hung out to dry and has lost all his past credibility. Of course this double standard within the Democrat Party has been going on for years. That terrible Confederate Flag was drawn up by Democrats. The ku Klux Klan was founded by Democrats. The present slaughter of unborn black babies is endorsed and encouraged by Democrats. The inner city turmoil that has resulted in thousands of dead blacks was perpetuated by decades of Democrat policy. Look at Chicago as a prime example. That city has been run by Democrats forever. Blacks are being slaughtered like they lived in some Middle East backwater. And the Democrats could care less as long as they hold on to power. Democrats call themselves liberal or Progressives or Socialists. But, in fact the modern Democrat party and everyone who calls themselves a Democrat are actually Fascists. Everything a Democrat exposes can be defined as fascism. Look how they want to shut up their opponents. Look how they ignore and spit on our constitution; our service members and our flag. Look how they mock and despise religion. Look how they conveniently ignore laws to perpetuate their agenda(immigration laws). No, the Democrats live by a double standard. If you are white and liberal, you are just great. If you are black and conservative...you are a "blackface clown"
(Clarence Thomas).
(Clarence Thomas).