Crime Hysteria

Media's hysterical reporting on crime, while showing little beyond indifference to environmental catastrophes like Flint, Jackson, Chicago and East Palestine remind us that such an effort is socially constructed.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that lead levels in school drinking fountains should not exceed the threshold of 1 part per billion. “By this measure,” The Guardian reports, “71% of Chicago tests reviewed by the Guardian would not pass.”

“According to one 2019 study… the US sees an estimated 196,930 premature pollution-related deaths annually, including 28,260 from lead-related poisoning. One 2018 Lancet study found that lead exposure may be linked to 412,000 premature US deaths yearly”

Now compare this with article after article, video after video that @northernbuck and most American mainstream sheep consume on a daily basis.

Not only do they have no solutions for crime, they use it as a mechanism for raising fears and anxiety. Meanwhile, capitalism runs roughshod over the health and well-being of Americans.
