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    John Lewis: Founding Father

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    NO THANK YOU, DNC ! Hire AntiFa to do it!
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    Which board moniker iteration # is this for you? 5 or 6? Since you self-identified as a LEFTIST, perhaps you can tell your fellow-travelers such as LBTCA, Bloviator-i-o, The Cainer, Dr. Pothead, BN/SB to return before election day. Do you do Twitter, FB ? Are each still political...
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    This shouldn't surprise ANYONE seeking the truth about Spygate/Russia Hoax

    given the 'players involved' -- especially long-time pals of Hillary (and Bill ) Clinton and Obama/Biden Administration. The DNC Swampsters and the MSMedia are all 'known to each other' and have been for dedades. This new information confirms what Trump Defenders have been saying FOR YEARS ...
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    BIDEN KNEW about the spying on the Trump Campaign in 2016
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    The state of this board

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    Victor Davis Hansen paints the "Biden Presidency Scenario" beginning in 2021

    Every Biden voter can find 'their identity' within this scenario. Just beware this is NOT the Democrat Party familar to most from the past (with some failed exceptions). He addresses his observations and concerns from his knowledge and understanding of history as a professor of the Classics of...
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    Liberal Cities are just a MESS

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    Campus Craziness going wild across the land

    Look at what the new "Trophy Generationalists" are seeking to do to gain acceptance among their peers with empty thoughts masqurading as intellect. This is like an NCAA-sanctioned "Can You Top This" tourney for political thoughts and actions. It is also, not incidentally, a contest to...
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    In the NEW America - 0000 -- is BRUTUS next up?

    Earlier today took a call from a longtime friend who is well-known in Columbus about this concern. This article is just another example of what may lie ahead thanks to the Culturtal Mazisy Movement we are experiencing today.
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    Epstein's accomplice will reveal a lot about quite a few
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    Obama and Biden BOTH knew about the efforts to entrap Gen. Flynn...

    thanks to hand written notes by a foolish FBI agent. And now the cowardly judge acts to protect his reputation??
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    Nike of the OLD and NEW Normal

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    They's jus fussin' 'bout lootin' by shoutin'
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    RIP McGruff

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    Nike of the OLD and NEW Normal When will this arrive at WHAC for promotional distribution thanks to the urging of "LeBJ" and former others?? Freedom of speech is a US Constitution guarantee. Ignorant opinions too!? Following the money is always...
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    The Drew Brees of the New Normal
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    This Black life didn't matter much to the MSMedia...

    because he was 'Blue" ? Narrative violator?? Further news about David Dorn:
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    "Black and brown people"

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