Since the pathetic right only wants to cry that Biden is "racist" for pointing out that Black Americans face the issue of less access to internet, what are YOUR solutions for making the internet a public utility and expanding access to everyone?
Instead of guzzling down cable news slop and disingenuous cries of "racism" gaffes that don't exist outside the conservative circle jerk, where is the right wing of America in helping people lift themselves up by their bootstraps and actually fixing problems in this country?
One in three African Americans and Hispanics — 14 million and 17 million, respectively — still don't have access to computer technology in their homes. Similar dismal numbers, 35 percent of black households and 29 percent of Hispanic households, do not have broadband.

It’s 2020. Why Is the Digital Divide Still with Us?
Far too many Americans still don't have access in their homes to the technology and affordable high-speed broadband they need to succeed in today's economy. We need to think of it as a civil and human right.

Instead of guzzling down cable news slop and disingenuous cries of "racism" gaffes that don't exist outside the conservative circle jerk, where is the right wing of America in helping people lift themselves up by their bootstraps and actually fixing problems in this country?