Say you're a first generation college grad with $50K in student debt you took on in order to find a job in a competitive market (this was me, at one time, FYI).
Joe Biden actually starts acting like a liberal and cancels $50K in student debt, so now my monthly payment to the lender of between $500-$1500/month) is gone and I'm able to begin re-allocating that portion of my salary into the market.
Is that building wealth?
Now, take Joe Biden's $300 tax credit which helps families with children reduce their debt load and re-allocate their funds back into their child's education, the market, or personal account. Is that building wealth?
Good, glad we had this talk. Republicans are so other-worldly stupid that they'll look you dead in the eye and argue otherwise.
We should stop looking at these as handouts and start recognizing them as positive things government can do to help working class families escape the extreme poverty capitalism inevitably brings. Help reduce the crime that is driven almost exclusively by poverty. Help get people health care and mental health care they need to reduce crime and be more productive. Help provide people affordable child care so more women have incentive to re-enter the work force.
Instead, we have Republicans and moderates whose sole mission in politics is to further transfer wealth to their corporate masters, while preaching about their interest in "the family unit," saddling America with a constant culture war over "values" because they cannot respect facts, history, science or the freedom of others who are not like them.