Why is the democratic party so obsessed with murdering babies and exterminating them? Why are the faces of most democrats so ugly? It’s a power cult of pedophiles, baby killers, ugly people, and psychos.
You can almost tell who a democrat is. If you see some freak with strange rings in their nose, or the most ugly tattoos imaginable, you might of guessed it they’re democrats. The bald ugly professor with a pedophile potbelly .... struts around like he’s boss hog in class but a horrible teacher? Probably guessed it..... a democrat. That psycho lady who acts like a femanazi that looks uglier than chelsea clinton’s pitbull face? You guessed it a democrat. It’s the party of uglies, Nazi’s, fat stupid people, and people that hardly take showers and generally stinks worse than a room full of horse terd. Democrat.
Has anyone confronted their jealousy over Trump? Trump made his money producing businesses, whereas the average democrat stole their money from the US public common folk. It’s funny watching those stupid losers like Bernie Sanders who’s never had a job put his phony Einstein hair act out like he is some smart person while he worships Cuba and Venezuela. In Cuba the most modern cars are from world war 2 while the commie king pen buys yachts for his kids with all the stolen money they robbed from the plebeling commies. In Venezuela they eat zoo animals to stay alive in their socialist hell hole. Democrats are the stupidest people on Earth all they are is jealous losers that are a burden to society. Usually smell as I’ve mentioned. Take a shower losers.
It’s why democrats cult lick loser ideas. They’re threatened by the free market freedom based system of the US in favor of the slave grid of communists because they are an embarrassment in America. They’re losers and can’t handle dealing with the winner crowd.
You can almost tell who a democrat is. If you see some freak with strange rings in their nose, or the most ugly tattoos imaginable, you might of guessed it they’re democrats. The bald ugly professor with a pedophile potbelly .... struts around like he’s boss hog in class but a horrible teacher? Probably guessed it..... a democrat. That psycho lady who acts like a femanazi that looks uglier than chelsea clinton’s pitbull face? You guessed it a democrat. It’s the party of uglies, Nazi’s, fat stupid people, and people that hardly take showers and generally stinks worse than a room full of horse terd. Democrat.
Has anyone confronted their jealousy over Trump? Trump made his money producing businesses, whereas the average democrat stole their money from the US public common folk. It’s funny watching those stupid losers like Bernie Sanders who’s never had a job put his phony Einstein hair act out like he is some smart person while he worships Cuba and Venezuela. In Cuba the most modern cars are from world war 2 while the commie king pen buys yachts for his kids with all the stolen money they robbed from the plebeling commies. In Venezuela they eat zoo animals to stay alive in their socialist hell hole. Democrats are the stupidest people on Earth all they are is jealous losers that are a burden to society. Usually smell as I’ve mentioned. Take a shower losers.
It’s why democrats cult lick loser ideas. They’re threatened by the free market freedom based system of the US in favor of the slave grid of communists because they are an embarrassment in America. They’re losers and can’t handle dealing with the winner crowd.
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