Why do republicans want to disenfranchise American voters from participating in our "model for the free world" democratic process?
Is this all part of their "Southern Strategy" from the Nixon and Reagan eras?
What are they afraid of; changing demographics that will eventually unseat the white male voting patterns that have "made this country great"?
Is America's "greatness" a fraud in reality?
Why does Trump want to MAGA?
This is quite a damning report.
Draw your own conclusions, because WE know YOU will.
Is this all part of their "Southern Strategy" from the Nixon and Reagan eras?
What are they afraid of; changing demographics that will eventually unseat the white male voting patterns that have "made this country great"?
Is America's "greatness" a fraud in reality?
Why does Trump want to MAGA?
This is quite a damning report.
Draw your own conclusions, because WE know YOU will.