The direct correlation b/w the prevelance of marijuana and the internal destruction of the US
“I don't think it's a coincidence that over the past decade recreational marijuana has be come more and more prevelant and accepted all of the country and now we are seeing the ramifications. Riots around the country fueled by young people who have been conditioned to believe that being on weed is normal. It's also not a coincidence that some of the states who have chosen to ignore the federal drug laws also have had some of the worst social unrest like Seattle, Portland, and parts of California. Just something for people to think about when they advocate for recreational weed use.”
The direct correlation b/w the prevelance of marijuana and the internal destruction of the US
“I don't think it's a coincidence that over the past decade recreational marijuana has be come more and more prevelant and accepted all of the country and now we are seeing the ramifications. Riots around the country fueled by young people who have been conditioned to believe that being on weed is normal. It's also not a coincidence that some of the states who have chosen to ignore the federal drug laws also have had some of the worst social unrest like Seattle, Portland, and parts of California. Just something for people to think about when they advocate for recreational weed use.”