Why they dislike President Trump and "SECRETLY hope" he is replaced with a routine politician (or maybe even a another 'cultural icon' of THEIR creation??).
This is simply how I "feel" about the most now-blatantly biased and often-times dishonestly this presidency has been reported about. This once proud and essential "US Constitution Protected" profession really began to change for the worst in the early 1970s as a couple of obscure reporters glaumed on to the Nixon Presidency and rose to popular notoriety and wealth. Fair 'Gothcha Journalism' has become a 'new standard' of 'Biased Gotcha Journalism'. Technology has diluted the power of the institutional journalists as well. CNN "Headline News" was the new flashy journalism approach. In-depth fact-based reporting ('Gum-shoe' journalism) really began to evolve into opinion-based 'reporting' with un-named sourcing. They have become purveyors of their own 'group think' reporting now -- even using the same phraseologies at times.
(Note the use of the now-common acronym branding - THR - as an example !)
"A senior CNN producer tells The Hollywood Reporter that the network's journalists are not rooting against the president in November but guessed they would welcome a return to a more "normal" presidency and accompanying news cycle.
"As journalists, I don't think anybody cares about what party the president of the United States is," the producer says. "What they care about is being able to live their lives normally again. I think there's mental exhaustion around this presidency, and I don't know anybody who is enjoying it. I don't know anybody who wants to do another four years of this news cycle."
As the world now 'recognizes'?!!
A typical Pre-C-19 Press coverage scene :
An 'exhausting' Sunday evening press sponsored "town hall" coverage using many citizen-asked techno presented questions: (complete with visualized Safe Distancing sans masks which are now common reporter attire!?)
This is simply how I "feel" about the most now-blatantly biased and often-times dishonestly this presidency has been reported about. This once proud and essential "US Constitution Protected" profession really began to change for the worst in the early 1970s as a couple of obscure reporters glaumed on to the Nixon Presidency and rose to popular notoriety and wealth. Fair 'Gothcha Journalism' has become a 'new standard' of 'Biased Gotcha Journalism'. Technology has diluted the power of the institutional journalists as well. CNN "Headline News" was the new flashy journalism approach. In-depth fact-based reporting ('Gum-shoe' journalism) really began to evolve into opinion-based 'reporting' with un-named sourcing. They have become purveyors of their own 'group think' reporting now -- even using the same phraseologies at times.
(Note the use of the now-common acronym branding - THR - as an example !)
"A senior CNN producer tells The Hollywood Reporter that the network's journalists are not rooting against the president in November but guessed they would welcome a return to a more "normal" presidency and accompanying news cycle.
"As journalists, I don't think anybody cares about what party the president of the United States is," the producer says. "What they care about is being able to live their lives normally again. I think there's mental exhaustion around this presidency, and I don't know anybody who is enjoying it. I don't know anybody who wants to do another four years of this news cycle."
As the world now 'recognizes'?!!

A typical Pre-C-19 Press coverage scene :

An 'exhausting' Sunday evening press sponsored "town hall" coverage using many citizen-asked techno presented questions: (complete with visualized Safe Distancing sans masks which are now common reporter attire!?)