Well, it’s hard to believe we’ve almost reached the first game! Such a long time coming. I believe this season will be truly special. A great season for Coach Day, Justin Fields, the wide receivers, and really the whole team. So talented. They will open everyone’s eyes to an amazing display of offense and much much-improved defense. They’re playoff-bound as far as I’m concerned, more so than with any other Buckeye squad I’ve seen. This group is well equipped with talent, tools, and coaching. As everyone knows, avoiding injuries at QB will be crucial.
I’ve been a member of this board since 2015 having followed @NevadaBuck from BuckNuts. Even though I don’t post much, I try to visit often enough to read the latest buckeye football info on this gold mine of Buckeye news and opinion.
The behind the scenes observations, insights, and speculation of the regular contributors are worth, at least, ten times the price of admission. I’m sure most of what I’ve experienced is simply the manifestation of Kevin’s fine leadership and direction, with the expertise and support of the moderators and staff, not to mention posts reflecting the diversity and breadth of all of Buckeye Nation. It’s a message board experience like none other.
There have been great revelations along the way. Times, where I felt, I was so close to the events it was as if I was personally in-the-moment as the event was unfolding. Well, at least that’s the best I can describe what I’m sure you have all felt as well. There have been triumphs. Controversies. The good. The bad. There have been many Buckeye wins over Michigan. All in all, it can be easily argued, we have seen the mountaintop. We have been, and we are, at or near the pinnacle of college football. It’s been a fun ride… and my money says it will continue to be so.
However, if there has been anything that has surprised me about this board, it has to do with a few things unrelated to football or sports. This isn’t strictly a sports site and nothing but a sports site, because, quite simply, it’s so much more. In fact, it’s very diverse. You can have your appetite satisfied to a greater level after hearing about the best BBQ recipes, or you can achieve a greater level of kitchen expertise by enhancing your knowledge of sous vide cooking, and, it may also be that your desire to imbibe will be extra motivated after hearing about everyone’s favorite drink.
This is also not an unemotional message board with nothing to say other than opinions on sports because some of us are pretty vocal about what and where the best restaurants are in just about any city in the U.S… We can give great reviews on the best steaks or the best bourbons in the world, and then go on to discuss the virtues or imperfections of many vacation and relocation destinations.
I think all of this is great and a lot of fun in the process. It’s a fantastic bonus!
Yes, this board has a lot of information, but the absolute most surprising thing has been the outpouring of generosity shown by members when a fellow member has fallen on hard times. Known by nothing other than their membership in this fraternity, they are taken under the wing with an outpouring of kind words and offers of financial assistance.
Social caring and helping by organizations who exercise their social conscious and understand the needs of the community usually see the impact on their brand and profitability. The power of the marketplace and free enterprise enable the synergy which occurs between companies, organizations, and people to serve those who are in need.
Here’s where I need to warn you of a sales pitch. At the least, it's a pitch to help people in need and to give you, a fellow Buckeye Grove member, a better deal on products and services. So, if you aren’t interested in a B2B project to raise funds for charities, you might not want to read further, especially if you aren’t a business or organization executive, a decision-maker, or an influencer.
However, you may know people who are, and if you do, then please hang in there to hear about a different way to fund your favorite charities through our version of “People coming together to help others in need”. If so, just read on, then PM me for more info if interested.
My company is a social enterprise that, with your help, will deliver on three things:
1) Provide your organization with lower-priced products and services.
2) Provide increased funding to your favorite charities without requiring you to make additional out of pocket contributions or payments of any kind.
3) Provide a contribution to the BuckeyeGrove message board.
We do our thing by leveraging your normal business transactions with our talent and experience, yielding a source of funds without increasing costs to you or your company, business, or organization.
Product Areas
a.] Promotional advertising products
b.] Social media marketing
c.] Logo’d personal protection safety items
d.] Company stores
e.] Inventory redistribution for at-risk-assets
It goes like this… when you decide to do business with us [rather than your current source] we’ll take 1 to 30% off the net sales amount and donate it to the charity of your choice [repeat… your choice]. Please understand that our price is always lower than your current suppliers’ price AND we will make a sizable donation to your charity. Bear in mind this is not a contribution of a percentage of profit, it’s far greater than that. Instead, we are carving out a huge chunk of operating revenue and donating it to the charity you pick for a special cause.
The percentage amount varies, due to the pricing you are currently receiving from your current source. Their margins are all over the place, and, the higher their margins, the greater our donation amount and potential benefit to you. We have a much lower cost structure and operate on narrow margins, likely more so than any of your current sources.
Our goal, with your help, is to give $ONE MILLION in charitable contributions by January 1st of 2021. We need to generate MANY MILLIONS in sales dollars between now and then… and we’re just getting started, we need help.
In the interest of full disclosure, I’m asking you to you sign up for an account at
everyhumanproducts.com/account/register.When you sign up for an account, you become part of our contact list and will receive everyhuman™ updates and info through our newsletter and you’ll automatically be entered in our $10,000 Caribbean vacation which will be given-away when we hit the $ONE MILLION donation goal [regardless of the date we actually hit the goal].
Registering helps us communicate progress on the $ONE MILLION goal and prizes through the store mailing list sent to you and all of our other interested parties; customers and non-customers. It helps minimize costs for us... enhance communications… while maximizing donations. I’m not asking you to make a single purchase, ever, of any product on our consumer site. All products we offer for sale have a charitable component, whether they directly benefit a charitable people-in-need program, benefit animals and environment, or help with natural disaster relief. They’re priced ultra-competitively and since our costs are extra-low, we are able to donate a large chunk of revenue to charitable causes. At some point soon, the newsletters we send you will contain new product announcements, at which time, if you wish, you may make purchases, but purchases aren’t at all required.
We’re better together… everyhuman™
PM me that you want more information on our services in any or all the five categories.
Then, think about your favorite 501c3 charities. Prepare a list of contact info for us.
After we’ve given you a quote, let us know how much you want us to give. Let us know your desired timing for donations; monthly, quarterly, yearly. We’ll send funds in the amount you request and, on the schedule you determine while making quarterly reports back to you.
BuckeyeGrove Donation– We will donate to BG for each person establishing an account at everyhumanproducts.com using a verifiable email [we run them through kickbox for authentication].
1.)We’ll donate $.25 for each person signing up.
2.)When the Buckeye Football team wins the Big Ten Championship, we’ll increase it to $.50 per person.
3.)Then, when we win the Nat C we will increase that amount to $.75 for each person who has signed up for an account as of today’s date. If 10k sign up, we will donate $.75 for each one.
4.)Sign up for an account at everyhumanproducts.com/account/register
Bonus– When you ask us to quote products or services resulting in a PO, we’ll send you a free everyhuman™ hat & pen or t-shirt & pen, depending on your preference. everyhuman™ is our brand name… it represents caring, compassion, and outreach, and speaks to the synergy created when people are brought together to help people in need. Hence, our mantra, We’re better together… everyhuman™
The items we give you in exchange for your RFQ and PO are completely free… including freight. I’ll send you a coupon code as orders are received.
Caribbean Giveaway– When you sign up for an account, you become part of our contact list and will receive everyhuman updates and info through our newsletter. You’ll automatically be entered in a $10,000 Caribbean vacation which will be given-away when we hit the $ONE MILLION donation goal [regardless of the date we actually hit the goal]. No purchase is required for entry, and, if you prefer, you can designate this award to be donated as well.
PM me for info and with questions.
Go to everyhumanproducts.com/account/register to sign up for an account.
About us:
We're part of Every Human Resource, Inc. and, as a social enterprise, we think of the term 'human resource' as something a bit different than the standard definition… we think of it as that special something inherent in people who help and serve others; of people with vision and inspiration; and of those who design, create, and produce. We feel our brand name everyhuman™ reflects how it takes a community of people working together, to be a resource, to help people who need assistance.
We see a world where there are many needs and we attempt to do our part by giving back to the community through the organizations and people we serve and the revenue we earn. We manage administrative costs and help fund charitable projects through the existing spend of an organization for their personal protection supplies and equipment; purchases of promotional advertising, team wear, and company store products; with social media marketing services and inventory redistributions; and, as well as, B2B and retail sales online at everyhumanpromo.com and everyhumanproducts.com
We’re better together… everyhuman™
I’ve been a member of this board since 2015 having followed @NevadaBuck from BuckNuts. Even though I don’t post much, I try to visit often enough to read the latest buckeye football info on this gold mine of Buckeye news and opinion.
The behind the scenes observations, insights, and speculation of the regular contributors are worth, at least, ten times the price of admission. I’m sure most of what I’ve experienced is simply the manifestation of Kevin’s fine leadership and direction, with the expertise and support of the moderators and staff, not to mention posts reflecting the diversity and breadth of all of Buckeye Nation. It’s a message board experience like none other.
There have been great revelations along the way. Times, where I felt, I was so close to the events it was as if I was personally in-the-moment as the event was unfolding. Well, at least that’s the best I can describe what I’m sure you have all felt as well. There have been triumphs. Controversies. The good. The bad. There have been many Buckeye wins over Michigan. All in all, it can be easily argued, we have seen the mountaintop. We have been, and we are, at or near the pinnacle of college football. It’s been a fun ride… and my money says it will continue to be so.
However, if there has been anything that has surprised me about this board, it has to do with a few things unrelated to football or sports. This isn’t strictly a sports site and nothing but a sports site, because, quite simply, it’s so much more. In fact, it’s very diverse. You can have your appetite satisfied to a greater level after hearing about the best BBQ recipes, or you can achieve a greater level of kitchen expertise by enhancing your knowledge of sous vide cooking, and, it may also be that your desire to imbibe will be extra motivated after hearing about everyone’s favorite drink.
This is also not an unemotional message board with nothing to say other than opinions on sports because some of us are pretty vocal about what and where the best restaurants are in just about any city in the U.S… We can give great reviews on the best steaks or the best bourbons in the world, and then go on to discuss the virtues or imperfections of many vacation and relocation destinations.
I think all of this is great and a lot of fun in the process. It’s a fantastic bonus!
Yes, this board has a lot of information, but the absolute most surprising thing has been the outpouring of generosity shown by members when a fellow member has fallen on hard times. Known by nothing other than their membership in this fraternity, they are taken under the wing with an outpouring of kind words and offers of financial assistance.
Social caring and helping by organizations who exercise their social conscious and understand the needs of the community usually see the impact on their brand and profitability. The power of the marketplace and free enterprise enable the synergy which occurs between companies, organizations, and people to serve those who are in need.
Here’s where I need to warn you of a sales pitch. At the least, it's a pitch to help people in need and to give you, a fellow Buckeye Grove member, a better deal on products and services. So, if you aren’t interested in a B2B project to raise funds for charities, you might not want to read further, especially if you aren’t a business or organization executive, a decision-maker, or an influencer.
However, you may know people who are, and if you do, then please hang in there to hear about a different way to fund your favorite charities through our version of “People coming together to help others in need”. If so, just read on, then PM me for more info if interested.
My company is a social enterprise that, with your help, will deliver on three things:
1) Provide your organization with lower-priced products and services.
2) Provide increased funding to your favorite charities without requiring you to make additional out of pocket contributions or payments of any kind.
3) Provide a contribution to the BuckeyeGrove message board.
We do our thing by leveraging your normal business transactions with our talent and experience, yielding a source of funds without increasing costs to you or your company, business, or organization.
Product Areas
a.] Promotional advertising products
b.] Social media marketing
c.] Logo’d personal protection safety items
d.] Company stores
e.] Inventory redistribution for at-risk-assets
It goes like this… when you decide to do business with us [rather than your current source] we’ll take 1 to 30% off the net sales amount and donate it to the charity of your choice [repeat… your choice]. Please understand that our price is always lower than your current suppliers’ price AND we will make a sizable donation to your charity. Bear in mind this is not a contribution of a percentage of profit, it’s far greater than that. Instead, we are carving out a huge chunk of operating revenue and donating it to the charity you pick for a special cause.
The percentage amount varies, due to the pricing you are currently receiving from your current source. Their margins are all over the place, and, the higher their margins, the greater our donation amount and potential benefit to you. We have a much lower cost structure and operate on narrow margins, likely more so than any of your current sources.
Our goal, with your help, is to give $ONE MILLION in charitable contributions by January 1st of 2021. We need to generate MANY MILLIONS in sales dollars between now and then… and we’re just getting started, we need help.
In the interest of full disclosure, I’m asking you to you sign up for an account at
everyhumanproducts.com/account/register.When you sign up for an account, you become part of our contact list and will receive everyhuman™ updates and info through our newsletter and you’ll automatically be entered in our $10,000 Caribbean vacation which will be given-away when we hit the $ONE MILLION donation goal [regardless of the date we actually hit the goal].
Registering helps us communicate progress on the $ONE MILLION goal and prizes through the store mailing list sent to you and all of our other interested parties; customers and non-customers. It helps minimize costs for us... enhance communications… while maximizing donations. I’m not asking you to make a single purchase, ever, of any product on our consumer site. All products we offer for sale have a charitable component, whether they directly benefit a charitable people-in-need program, benefit animals and environment, or help with natural disaster relief. They’re priced ultra-competitively and since our costs are extra-low, we are able to donate a large chunk of revenue to charitable causes. At some point soon, the newsletters we send you will contain new product announcements, at which time, if you wish, you may make purchases, but purchases aren’t at all required.
We’re better together… everyhuman™
PM me that you want more information on our services in any or all the five categories.
Then, think about your favorite 501c3 charities. Prepare a list of contact info for us.
After we’ve given you a quote, let us know how much you want us to give. Let us know your desired timing for donations; monthly, quarterly, yearly. We’ll send funds in the amount you request and, on the schedule you determine while making quarterly reports back to you.
BuckeyeGrove Donation– We will donate to BG for each person establishing an account at everyhumanproducts.com using a verifiable email [we run them through kickbox for authentication].
1.)We’ll donate $.25 for each person signing up.
2.)When the Buckeye Football team wins the Big Ten Championship, we’ll increase it to $.50 per person.
3.)Then, when we win the Nat C we will increase that amount to $.75 for each person who has signed up for an account as of today’s date. If 10k sign up, we will donate $.75 for each one.
4.)Sign up for an account at everyhumanproducts.com/account/register
Bonus– When you ask us to quote products or services resulting in a PO, we’ll send you a free everyhuman™ hat & pen or t-shirt & pen, depending on your preference. everyhuman™ is our brand name… it represents caring, compassion, and outreach, and speaks to the synergy created when people are brought together to help people in need. Hence, our mantra, We’re better together… everyhuman™
The items we give you in exchange for your RFQ and PO are completely free… including freight. I’ll send you a coupon code as orders are received.
Caribbean Giveaway– When you sign up for an account, you become part of our contact list and will receive everyhuman updates and info through our newsletter. You’ll automatically be entered in a $10,000 Caribbean vacation which will be given-away when we hit the $ONE MILLION donation goal [regardless of the date we actually hit the goal]. No purchase is required for entry, and, if you prefer, you can designate this award to be donated as well.
PM me for info and with questions.
Go to everyhumanproducts.com/account/register to sign up for an account.
About us:
We're part of Every Human Resource, Inc. and, as a social enterprise, we think of the term 'human resource' as something a bit different than the standard definition… we think of it as that special something inherent in people who help and serve others; of people with vision and inspiration; and of those who design, create, and produce. We feel our brand name everyhuman™ reflects how it takes a community of people working together, to be a resource, to help people who need assistance.
We see a world where there are many needs and we attempt to do our part by giving back to the community through the organizations and people we serve and the revenue we earn. We manage administrative costs and help fund charitable projects through the existing spend of an organization for their personal protection supplies and equipment; purchases of promotional advertising, team wear, and company store products; with social media marketing services and inventory redistributions; and, as well as, B2B and retail sales online at everyhumanpromo.com and everyhumanproducts.com
We’re better together… everyhuman™