I have read where several of our esteemed members will not be watching tomorrow...With the taste of a greasy coin still in our mouths from the Fiesta Bowl, I understand the indifference...
As for myself, I will be watching...I simply love college football too much and this is sadly, the last game until August...The storylines are interesting...It's hard to ignore the accomplishments of Clemson...Three appearances in the last four years and two Chips...Maybe three tomorrow...That being said, Dumbo Swinney has worn out his message this past year...It has been incessant and frankly, he is coming off like a whiny little bitch...
On the other side of the ledger, I love me some Bayou Bengals from my time in NOLA...And, the game features one of our favorite Ohio sons in the contest...It was a historic run by Jeaux Burreaux
and he gave props to OSU, Coach Day, Coach Mick, and Southeast Ohio during his Heisman acceptance speech...Watched it four times so far and still get a tear or two...
So, I am watching and hoping for some measure of revenge tomorrow night...And, I will win $2500
if the good Tigers win...Geaux Jeaux...
As for myself, I will be watching...I simply love college football too much and this is sadly, the last game until August...The storylines are interesting...It's hard to ignore the accomplishments of Clemson...Three appearances in the last four years and two Chips...Maybe three tomorrow...That being said, Dumbo Swinney has worn out his message this past year...It has been incessant and frankly, he is coming off like a whiny little bitch...
On the other side of the ledger, I love me some Bayou Bengals from my time in NOLA...And, the game features one of our favorite Ohio sons in the contest...It was a historic run by Jeaux Burreaux
and he gave props to OSU, Coach Day, Coach Mick, and Southeast Ohio during his Heisman acceptance speech...Watched it four times so far and still get a tear or two...
So, I am watching and hoping for some measure of revenge tomorrow night...And, I will win $2500
if the good Tigers win...Geaux Jeaux...