Check out BuckeyeGrove's latest edition of Recruiting Roundtable, where @C_MacRae and I share our responses to the following three questions.
- Who do you think wins out for 2023 Rivals100 TE Ty Lockwood tomorrow and why?
- The new Rivals250 for the 2022 class was revealed this week. What were your major takeaways from the latest update?
- In your opinion, which 2022 defensive line target is the likeliest to end up in the Buckeyes' class?

- Who do you think wins out for 2023 Rivals100 TE Ty Lockwood tomorrow and why?
- The new Rivals250 for the 2022 class was revealed this week. What were your major takeaways from the latest update?
- In your opinion, which 2022 defensive line target is the likeliest to end up in the Buckeyes' class?