So glad that other people have come from another site's to join this crew. There is very very few people besides Kevin owing me a beer that I never liked. We agree and disagree and that's the name of the game. It should be opinion how one feels and left at that. To make a long story short and to be removed at this moment or when read. You can say I have been drinking if you want but your wrong. RUBBER BAND MAN YOU ARE A ****ING ASS HOLE and will check your sorry ass at your family party. Lastly this site continues to grow an improve leaps over bounds but your THE SORRY ASS KING OF THE HILL in your simple mind and proved it by giving a cheap shot to a player on his back in high school. You can also talk shit behind your key board. I will see you in October ASS HOLE watch your back since you said where you will be DICK HEAD. This saves me a phone call to cancel. Kevin and staff keep up the great work you cats have improved leaps and bounds.