That 'damn email server' vomited on H> and her surrogates again! Maybe H> should have 'deep sixed' it before the FBI got its mitts on it! Same was said about RMNixon and 'the tapes'! BUT the SPDEMS will defend her to the end calling all this unfair, racist, sexist etc.etc.etc. !
To be 'fair and balanced': The CNN summary 'take' on the situation" for you to read and digest with some Tums !
Just wait until the FBI releases some of those other "Chelsea's Wedding info" - type emails for Entertainment Tonight's use. I'm betting they asked Trump for some favors, too!!!!
Let the agony continue!!!!
My guess: Biden gets the call in early July!!!
To be 'fair and balanced': The CNN summary 'take' on the situation" for you to read and digest with some Tums !
Just wait until the FBI releases some of those other "Chelsea's Wedding info" - type emails for Entertainment Tonight's use. I'm betting they asked Trump for some favors, too!!!!
Let the agony continue!!!!
My guess: Biden gets the call in early July!!!
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