My sister teaches 2nd grade at Hilliard. I know I am prejudice, but I believe she is as caring and self-sacrificing as anyone I have ever met (and I served 20 years in the military with 2 tours to Iraq). She is looking to go to a conference in Australia to share and learn from educators around the world. She is a survivor of breast cancer. When she was diagnosed and told she needed surgery, she immediately said she needed to schedule around her teaching because her kids needed her. She is very stubborn, and the family telling her she needed to get this done quickly still only got her to move it to where there was a break in classes so her kids would not be without her as long. She takes her summers and runs programs that kids have actually complained to their parents about because "going on vacation meant they missed time with Ms. Hayes class". She utilizes a lot of non-traditional teaching styles, as described here: She, like many teachers, dips into her own bank account to help students and supply her classroom. It would be amazing if Buckeye Grove could step up and help her get to this conference. I appreciate any assistance that you can muster. Thank you. Here is the Go Fund Me Link.