In 2016, Clemson lost a nail biter in the championship game, and it seemed they probably wouldn’t be able to get back to that point and beat Bama, who seemed invincible in a championship scenario. Clemson got better, returned to the playoffs, and won it all the next year, beating Bama.
If OSU can learn from the loss, hold themselves accountable, and coach up the young talent that’s already on the roster, they’ll be set up beautifully for next year’s playoffs.
Don’t buy into the myth of invincibility or impossibility is all I’m saying. Talent, coaching, hunger, and execution will all be exhibited in abundance next year.
If OSU can learn from the loss, hold themselves accountable, and coach up the young talent that’s already on the roster, they’ll be set up beautifully for next year’s playoffs.
Don’t buy into the myth of invincibility or impossibility is all I’m saying. Talent, coaching, hunger, and execution will all be exhibited in abundance next year.