Since the end of the Michigan game until now, it’s borderline nauseating watching morons stoke the fire/regurgitate falsehoods and simply take shots at kids, coaches—you name it, just to see what sticks on the wall. You can call me crazy, but the job that these guys are doing should stand for something. Not only is it vetted as best as possible, but it’s communicated with a degree of integrity AND humility that isn’t found anywhere else in the corners of Buckeye Cybernation. It may not be splashy, it may not it garner the clicks. But the “outrage” that is being displayed by some morons is embarrassing. And it turns into some bullshit high school pissing match because so and so carry’s water, or such and such won’t “ask the tough questions”. There is a reason why those jackasses can’t ask those questions, yet their platform empowers them to project a voice that is so squeaky that unsubstantiated validity becomes the grease.
Birm, Austin, Bill and Doug, thanks. The right way isn’t always the easiest.